Craige Els Twitter Q&A Round-Up
11 Sep 2015
Earlier this week, we asked our social media fans to submit their #AskCraige questions for a live Twitter Q&A with Craige Els AKA Miss Trunchbull. Read on to find out the best and worst things about playing the Trunch, audience heckles and his inspirations…

Q. What is the best thing about working in theatre and being in Matilda? (@vic_Official_xx)
A. Probably the live audiences and getting to work with the fantastic little geniuses in the cast!
Q. Who was your favourite character, other than Miss Trunchbull? (@ScarlettTheGrey)
A. My favourite character to play was probably Jud Fry in Oklahoma. And then in Matilda, Bruce because you get to eat cake!
Q. Are the children equally as scared of you behind the scenes or are you a big softy really? (@SianaFrench)
A. You’ll be pleased to know, I’m nothing like Miss Trunchbull in real life!
Q. How old were you when you knew musical theatre/performing was for you? (@gilmelk11)
A. I was always the class clown and enjoyed making people laugh so I knew pretty early on that I wanted to perform.
Q. What’s your favourite song and number during the show? (@Ale_Cheshire)
A. My favourite song to watch is Revolting Children, I love hearing the roar of the audience afterwards!
Q. How did you get into the character of Miss Trunchbull, and how was the process of doing that? (@chrissymushroom)
A. I get a lot from the kids and the actress playing Miss Honey, and the writing is so wonderful so she just comes to life!
Q. Why did you want to be an actor and who were your inspirations? What do you think you would be doing if you weren’t acting? (@neviesophia)
A. My inspirations were Al Pacino, Paul Scofield and Charles Lawton. And if I wasn’t acting, working in wildlife conservation – and they say don’t work with children or animals!
Q. How long does it take you to transform into Miss Trunchbull? (@h_jells)
A. I’ve managed to cut it down to half an hour!
Q. If you could play any child roles in Matilda what child character you would love to play? (@Marcus_Gomezz)
A. Probably Amanda Thripp, I’d love to be spun around and thrown around [the] auditorium, or Bruce for the cake!
Q. What is the hardest thing about playing Trunchbull? (@stevehamilton)
A. Wearing the fat suit isn’t fun when it’s boiling outside!
Q. what is the funniest thing that has happened to you and any other fellow cast members in Matilda? (@kiragrimshaw)
A. Random heckles every now and again! Someone shouted ‘GET TOLD, TRUNCHY!’ after Matilda had called me a big fat bully.
Q. What’s your favourite thing about working with the children of Matilda? (@Typicalposy)
A. They’re all such individual characters and never cease to make me laugh. Plus their energy is incredible!
Q. What’s your favourite book now and what was your favourite book growing up? (@suttonscotton)
A. My favourite now is The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry and growing up was Of Mice and Men.
Q. What part of the show do you enjoy performing the most? (@keaneoneil)
A. Definitely “The Smell of Rebellion”!