Young Voices Ticket Giveaway Competition T&Cs

Terms and Conditions:

  1. This Competition is open to all residents of UK aged 18 years or over. Proof of age may be required. Employees (or family members of employees) of any group company of the Promoter, companies associated with the Competition and all affiliates of such companies may not enter this Competition.
  2. Entrants will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions and agreed to be bound by them when entering this Competition.
  3. To take part in this competition you must sign up to the Matilda The Musical newsletter. You can withdraw consent at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in any email.
  4. Maximum of one entry per person and per household.
  5. The Competition will run from 9am, Monday 8th January (the “Opening Date”) to 23.59pm on Thursday 8th February (the “Closing Date”) inclusive.
  6. Closing date: All entries must be received by 23.59pm (BST) on 23rd February 2024. All Competition entries received after the Closing Date are automatically disqualified.
  7. The Promoter does not accept responsibility for network, computer, hardware or software failures of any kind, which may restrict or delay the sending or receipt of your entry. Entries must not be sent in through agents or third parties. Incomplete entries, and entries which do not satisfy the requirements of these terms and conditions, will be disqualified and will not be counted. 
  8. If the Promoter has grounds to suspect any entrant or third party of cheating, deception or fraudulent or unsportsman-like conduct of any kind (including, without limitation, manipulating the Competition, choice of prize winner(s) or any entry) the Promoter reserves the right (in its sole discretion) to disqualify any entrant, entry or person it reasonably believes to be responsible for, or associated with, such activity.  
  9. The Competition winner will be chosen at random from all valid entries.
  10. 1 winning entry (Selected Entry) will be selected at random from all complete, correct and eligible entries received before the Closing Date. 
  11.  The Selected Entry will be notified by 30th February 2024 and will then have 14 days to claim their prize by responding to Matilda The Musical by the relevant social channel. If they have not claimed the prize by this time, another winner will be chosen.
  12. You agree that the Promoter may, but is not required to, make your entry available on the Matilda The Musical website and in connection with any publicity of the competition. You agree to grant the Promoter a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable licence, for the full period of any intellectual property rights in the competition entry and any accompanying materials, to use, display, publish, transmit, copy, edit, alter, store, re-format and sub-licence the competition entry and any accompanying materials for such purposes. 
  13. By submitting your Entry, you warrant and undertake that: 
    a) You are the legal and beneficial owner of all intellectual property rights in the entry (including all images, footage, music and text submitted by you as part of the entry process), that your entry is your own original work and does not infringe any third party rights; 
    b) You have the right to grant the Promoter permission to use your entry in the ways described in clause 13 of these terms and conditions.
    c) Your entry does not infringe English law or the law in the country in which you are normally resident;
    d) Your entry does not, to the best of your knowledge and belief, infringe the law of any other country; 
    e) Your entry complies with all terms and conditions of use applicable to the relevant social media platforms. 
    f) You hereby waive and agree not to assert (and warrant that all individuals featured have waived and agreed not to assert) any moral rights in and in connection with the entry; 
    g) You shall, on request, do such other things and execute such documents as are reasonably requested of you by the Promoter in order to allow the Promoter to use your entry for the permitted purposes; 
    h) You have obtained all relevant rights and written permission from individuals featured in the entry, and that your entry does not feature anyone under the age of 12 (unless it is your own child and you have that child’s consent); 
  14. The Promoter reserves the right to pass on any entry (including the associated personal details) which cause it concern to the relevant authorities. 
  15. You agree to indemnify the Promoter in respect of third party claims arising out of or in connection with any breach by you of the warranties and undertakings set out in these terms and conditions (in particular, the warranties and undertakings set out in clause 13 of these terms and conditions (above)).
  16. a) Main Winning Prize: 4 tickets to Matilda The Musical at the Cambridge Theatre, London
    b) Four tickets are available for Tue-Thu evenings performances, excluding peak weeks until December 2024 
    c) Tickets are non-transferable and subject to availability.
    d) The prize does not include travel or other expenses. Winner will be chosen at random from all entries. 
  17. The Promoter reserves the right to substitute the prizes (or any part of them) for a prize or prizes of equivalent or greater monetary value if this is necessary for reasons beyond its control.  There is no cash alternative to the prizes (or any part of them) and unless agreed otherwise in writing the prizes are non-refundable and non-transferable. 
  18. Third party terms and conditions apply to parts of the prize where applicable. 
  19. The Promoter reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. 
  20. If any winner is not able, for any reason, to accept a prize, or does not respond to the Promoter’s notification within 14 days of the draw date, the Promoter reserves the right to award the prize to another entrant. 
  21. The judges’ and Promoter’s decisions shall be final and binding in all respects on all entrants. No correspondence will be entered into. Entries that do not comply in full with these entry rules and conditions will be disqualified. 
  22. Except in the case of death or personal injury arising from its negligence, or in respect of fraud, and so far as is permitted by law, the Promoter and its associated companies and agents exclude responsibility and all liabilities arising from: 
    a) any postponement or cancellation of the Competition, and 
    b) any changes to, supply of (including, without limitation, prizes which do not reach the intended recipient), or use of the prize, and 
    c) any act or default of any third party supplier, which are beyond the Promoter’s reasonable control. 
  23.  Details of prize winners’ names will be available for one month after the close of the Competition by writing to the Promoter at the address set out below and stating the name and closing date of the Competition. 
  24. If you are the winner of the Competition, you agree that the Promoter may use your name and image to announce the winner of this Competition and for any other reasonable and related promotional purposes. 
  25. The Promoter will use each winner’s, and each entrant’s, personal details for the purpose of administering this Competition.  Please see our Privacy Policy for further details.  Please note that your data may be processed outside of the EU. 
  26. This Competition, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. You irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with this Competition.