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Assisted performances

Discover our range of assisted performances, including Captioned, Audio Described, BSL Interpreted, Chilled and Relaxed Performances, designed to enhance the experience for every audience member.

Booking Tickets

For more information on booking assisted performances, please email or call the Box Office on: 020 3925 2998

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This production features flashing lights, lasers and loud sound effects. Latex balloons are popped onstage and stage haze (smoke) is used. Throughout the performance actors interact in audience spaces.

Age guidance: 6+. This production is not suitable for children under 6 years of age, including babes in arms. Younger children and babes in arms are welcome at our relaxed and chilled performances. Children need to always occupy their own seats throughout the performance. Children under 4 years of age (including babes in arms) will not be admitted into the auditorium.

Sonic Story Visual Story

Relaxed and captioned performances: Sunday 8 June 2025, 2.00pm

Sonic Story Visual Story

Performance Types

Audio Description

Audio Description

Audio description (AD) is additional commentary that explains what’s happening on stage. The action of the play is described through a headset by trained people so that you can follow what is happening at the same time as the rest of the audience.

We offer touch tours ahead of audio described performances with the opportunity to experience the set, costumes and props used in the play.

Captioned Performances

Captioned Performances

Captioning is live subtitling for theatre. The character names and what they are saying are displayed on large screens next to the stage. The subtitles run at the same time that the lines are said, along with sound effects.

BSL Performances

BSL Performances

We offer performances with British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation, where the interpreter stands to the side of the stage. When booking for a signed performance, please contact the box office so that we can give you a seat where you can see the signer clearly.

Relaxed Performance

Relaxed Performance

A relaxed performance is where the ambience of the auditorium and theatre ‘rules’ are relaxed. The performance may also be adapted to support people’s needs; for instance, loud noises and music might be turned down. These performances are ideal for anyone who would benefit from a more relaxed environment. We also offer touch tours for relaxed performances.

Chilled Performance

Chilled Performance

A chilled performance takes a more casual approach to noise and movement in the auditorium, but the performance itself is unchanged. This performance is ideal for people who feel more at ease knowing they can go in and out of the auditorium during the show. This performance is for everybody and babes in arms are welcome (not walking or requiring their own seat).


No steps to the foyer through 2 sets of double swing doors. Box office counter on right. Staircases between levels have 2 handrails and steps are highlighted. 5 steps down from the main foyer to the Stalls, 31 up to the back of the Royal Circle (2 steps between rows). Over 60 steps up to the Upper Circle. Theatre opens 45 minutes before the performance.

Getting to the Cambridge Theatre

Getting to the Cambridge Theatre

Customers with access requirements can be dropped off directly to the side of the Cambridge Theatre in Earlham Street, which is a one-way street leading from Seven Dials, where the front entrance of the Theatre is located. There is one car parking space for Blue Badge holders just adjacent to the front entrance to the Theatre in Street (Monday-Saturday after 6.30pm and Sundays). There are two spaces on Long Acre, four on Floral Street and five on Bow Street (outside the Royal Opera House). The nearest car park is situated in Shelton Street (WC2H 9SB), 175 yards from the back of the Theatre.

The closest Underground Station to the Cambridge Theatre is Covent Garden (230 yards) which is on the Piccadilly Line. This station has level access in and out of the ticket hall on the James Street side and passenger lifts are in place to reduce the number of steps, but it does not have complete step-free access to platform level. The nearest step-free Underground station is Tottenham Court Road (Northern and Central Lines).

Please visit for further information on public transport in London.



There is level access to the main foyer via the first two rotunda entrances to the left side (due to a sloping pavement the third entrance on the Mercer Street side is stepped). There are then four steps down into the Stalls, and then no further steps once inside the Stalls level of the auditorium. If level access to the Stalls is required, then customers should present in the foyer where the access host will escort them to the access entrance which is located in Earlham Street. As well as assisting with finding their way to seating and toilet facilities, the access host is available to assist in a variety of other ways including the purchasing/collecting of tickets, purchasing of merchandise and drinks/refreshments.

Access to Seating and Viewing Areas

Access to Seating and Viewing Areas

The Stalls auditorium has level access and there are two dedicated wheelchair park spaces at either side of Row N. Any aisle seat between Rows L and S in the Stalls can be used for customers wishing to transfer from a wheelchair into a theatre seat.

The Dress and Upper Circle levels of the auditorium can only be accessed via routes including stairs:
Dress Circle – 31 steps from Ground Floor
Upper Circle – 67 steps from Ground Floor

Accessible Toilets

Accessible Toilets

The Cambridge Theatre has one accessible toilet located off the Stalls corridor close to the entrance to the Stalls seating. Level access to this facility is via the access entrance on Earlham Street.

There are further standard toilets located in the Stalls corridor. Both these Gents and Ladies toilets have step-free access.

Access to Performance

Access to Performance

Trained access hosts will be available to assist visually impaired customers upon arrival and throughout their visit if required.

An Infra-Red audio enhancement system is available for deaf, deafened or hard of hearing. Headsets and hearing aid loops are available from the Stalls Kiosk located in the Stalls Corridor.
Please advise the operator of this requirement when booking your tickets to ensure you are seated in a suitable area of the auditorium.

Medical Requirements

Medical Requirements

If you need to bring medication, food or drink to manage a medical condition, or medical equipment you are welcome to do so. Please ask to speak to a manager when you arrive before going through our security searches.
Please note, we are not in possession of any medical equipment.

Assistance Dogs

Assistance Dogs

Assistance dogs are welcome in the Cambridge Theatre. Theatre staff are always happy to look after your access dog for you whilst you enjoy your visit.

Strobe and Lighting Effects

Strobe and Lighting Effects

Strobe and flashing lights are regularly used during performances at the Cambridge Theatre. For more information, please call our Stage Door on 020 7850 8710 and ask to speak to a manager.

Evacuation Policy

Evacuation Policy

The access hosts are trained in how to assist customers with access requirements in case of an emergency. These staff members will be specifically allocated to assist any customers with access requirements in an emergency situation.

Services and Facilities

Services and Facilities

There is a cloakroom available. Items can be checked in for £1.00 each.

The Foyer Kiosk. Mini Bar, Stalls Kiosk and Ice-Cream Parlour all have step-free access.

Staff are on hand throughout your visit to assist with any purchases you may wish to make. If you are unable to access the bars or kiosks then please speak to the access host upon arrival who will be happy to assist you.


Introductory Notes

The RSC can send introductory notes on CD to your home to listen to before you come to the theatre. Please ask for this service when you book your tickets or email The audio introductions are also available to listen to in mp3 format or read as text:

British Sign Language Synopsis

To help prepare for your visit, take a look at our British Sign Language synopsis of Matilda The Musical, featuring British Sign Language interpreter Donna Ruane. The video also features a voiceover and captioning.

Visual Stories

You may find it useful to view the Matilda The Musical visual story for your visit. We have also included an ‘easy read’ version of the visual story which provides shorter and more simplified information. Please feel free to print this and bring it with you on your visit or view it on an iPad/tablet.

Sonic Stories

A Sonic Story highlights the key sounds from throughout the performance. The graphic is available to all audience members but we hope that it will be particularly useful for anyone who might benefit from an increased understanding of the sensory elements of the show.

You can download the resource below.