Assisted performances
Discover our range of assisted performances, including Captioned, Audio Described, BSL Interpreted, Chilled and Relaxed Performances, designed to enhance the experience for every audience member.
Booking Tickets
For more information on booking assisted performances, please email or call the Box Office on: 020 3925 2998

This production features flashing lights, lasers and loud sound effects. Latex balloons are popped onstage and stage haze (smoke) is used. Throughout the performance actors interact in audience spaces.
Age guidance: 6+. This production is not suitable for children under 6 years of age, including babes in arms. Younger children and babes in arms are welcome at our relaxed and chilled performances. Children need to always occupy their own seats throughout the performance. Children under 4 years of age (including babes in arms) will not be admitted into the auditorium.
Sonic Story Visual StoryTouch tours take place before all Audio Described Performances from 12pm – 12.20pm
Sunday 23 March 2025, 2.00pm (Touch Tour at 12.00-12.20pm)
Saturday 17 May 2025, 2.00pm (Touch Tour at 12.00-12.20pm)
Sunday 8 June 2025, 2.00pm (Touch Tour at 12:00-12:20pm)
Wednesday 17 September 2025, 2.00pm (Touch Tour at 12.00-12.20pm)
Sunday 16 November 2025, 2.00pm (Touch Tour at 12.00-12.20pm)
Sunday 22 March 2026, 2.00pm (Touch Tour at 12.00-12.20pm)
Saturday 16 May 2026, 2.00pm (Touch Tour at 12:00-12.20pm)
Audio Notes
Introductory Notes
The RSC can send introductory notes on CD to your home to listen to before you come to the theatre. Please ask for this service when you book your tickets or email The audio introductions are also available to listen to in mp3 format or read as text:
British Sign Language Synopsis
To help prepare for your visit, take a look at our British Sign Language synopsis of Matilda The Musical, featuring British Sign Language interpreter Donna Ruane. The video also features a voiceover and captioning.
Visual Stories
You may find it useful to view the Matilda The Musical visual story for your visit. We have also included an ‘easy read’ version of the visual story which provides shorter and more simplified information. Please feel free to print this and bring it with you on your visit or view it on an iPad/tablet.
Sonic Stories
A Sonic Story highlights the key sounds from throughout the performance. The graphic is available to all audience members but we hope that it will be particularly useful for anyone who might benefit from an increased understanding of the sensory elements of the show.
You can download the resource below.